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* *
* ewapi.h - E! API functions, types, and definitions *
* *
* Version 1.2 *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Patrick Philippot, GIS *
* *
#ifndef _INC_EWAPI
#define _INC_EWAPI /* #defined if ewapi.h has been included */
/* Command codes used to identify EW functions within hooks */
#define ew_MFOpen 201
#define ew_MFNew 202
#define ew_MFClone 203
#define ew_MFGet 204
#define ew_MFWrite 205
#define ew_MFAppend 206
#define ew_MFSave 207
#define ew_MFSaveAs 208
#define ew_MFRefresh 209
#define ew_MFGrep 210
#define ew_MFAssociate 211
#define ew_MFCC 215
#define ew_MFPrint 217
#define ew_MFPrintSetup 218
#define ew_MFPageSetup 219
#define ew_MFExit 221
#define ew_MFExitEditor 222
#define ew_MEUndo 301
#define ew_MEClearUndo 302
#define ew_MECut 304
#define ew_MECutAppend 305
#define ew_MECopy 306
#define ew_MECopyAppend 307
#define ew_MEPasteIns 308
#define ew_MEPasteOvr 309
#define ew_MEClear 311
#define ew_MESelectAll 312
#define ew_MEDelete 314
#define ew_MEDraw 316
#define ew_MERecordMac 318
#define ew_MELoadMac 319
#define ew_MESaveMac 320
#define ew_MEReplayMac 321
#define ew_MEReplayMacN 322
#define ew_MEAsciiMode 323
#define ew_MBSet 401
#define ew_MBGotoMark1 403
#define ew_MBGotoMark2 404
#define ew_MBGotoMark3 405
#define ew_MBRemoveMark1 407
#define ew_MBRemoveMark2 408
#define ew_MBRemoveMark3 409
#define ew_MBGoto 411
#define ew_MBGotoSel 412
#define ew_MBCompare 414
#define ew_MSFind 501
#define ew_MSRepeatFind 502
#define ew_MSFindWord 503
#define ew_MCCompile 601
#define ew_MCMake 602
#define ew_MCRebuild 603
#define ew_MCDebug 604
#define ew_MCExecute 605
#define ew_MCNext 607
#define ew_MCPrevious 608
#define ew_MCCommands 610
#define ew_MLSet 701
#define ew_MLSaveCnf 702
#define ew_MLLoadCnf 703
#define ew_MLAssign 705
#define ew_MLExpansion 707
#define ew_MWRibbon 801
#define ew_MWHide 803
#define ew_MWTile 805
#define ew_MWCascade 806
#define ew_MWHideAll 807
#define ew_MWIconizeAll 808
#define ew_MWScrolling 810
#define ew_MWFont 812
#define ew_MULoadExt 901
#define ew_MUUnloadExt 902
#define ew_MUExecuteExt 903
#define ew_MUAutoLoad 904
#define ew_DefineMenu 906
#define ew_AddTab 9001
#define ew_BlockShift 9010
#define ew_BeginLine 9011
#define ew_CasePrimUpper 9012
#define ew_CasePrimLower 9013
#define ew_CheckBrace 9014
#define ew_ClearLine 9015
#define ew_DeleteCurLine 9016
#define ew_DeleteEOL 9017
#define ew_DeleteLeftChar 9018
#define ew_DeleteWord 9019
#define ew_EndLine 9020
#define ew_Enter 9021
#define ew_GoNextPar 9022
#define ew_GoNextTab 9023
#define ew_GoPrevPar 9024
#define ew_GoPrevTab 9025
#define ew_InputPause 9026
#define ew_InsertBrace 9027
#define ew_InsertDate 9028
#define ew_InsertFilename 9029
#define ew_InsertTime 9030
#define ew_JoinLine 9031
#define ew_LoadUserFile 9032
#define ew_NextCol 9041
#define ew_NextLine 9042
#define ew_NextWord 9043
#define ew_PageBottom 9044
#define ew_PageTop 9045
#define ew_PageScrollHLeft 9046
#define ew_PageScrollHRight 9047
#define ew_PageScrollVDown 9048
#define ew_PageScrollVUp 9049
#define ew_PrevCol 9050
#define ew_PrevLine 9051
#define ew_PrevWord 9052
#define ew_Reflow 9054
#define ew_RemoveTab 9055
#define ew_SetCurLine2Bottom 9056
#define ew_SetCurLine2Middle 9057
#define ew_SetCurLine2Top 9058
#define ew_ShiftTextRight 9059
#define ew_SplitLine 9072
#define ew_StepScrollDown 9073
#define ew_StepScrollLeft 9074
#define ew_StepScrollRight 9075
#define ew_StepScrollUp 9076
#define ew_StripFlow 9077
#define ew_SumBlock 9078
#define ew_TextBoundBegin 9079
#define ew_TextBoundEnd 9080
#define ew_TextToCursor 9081
#define ew_ToggleIns 9082
#define ew_UpcaseFirst 9083
#define ew_UserBlockSort 9084
#define ew_UserFillBlock 9085
/* Value that should be returned by EWExecute or by a hook if the extension
failed. Otherwise return 0 or leave the original EW return code unchanged. */
#define ewerr_EXTFAILED 300
/* Values returned by EWCallUserExt if the extension could not be executed */
#define ewerr_NOSUCHEXTENSION 301
#define ewerr_NOEXECEXPORTED 302
/* Values that may be returned after execution of an editing function */
#define ewerr_CANTMOVE 351 /* The cursor could not be moved as requested */
#define ewerr_CANTPROCEED 352 /* The function could not be executed */
/* Values passed by EWSetHook and EWRemoveHook to EW */
#define EWHook_FunctionEntry 0
#define EWHook_FunctionExit 1
#define EWHook_KeyboardEntry 2
#define EWHook_PaintEntry 3
#define EWHook_LoadExit 4
#define EWHook_Notify 5
/* Values passed by EW to the callback notification hook to identify the event */
#define EWNotify_ExitEditor 0
#define EWNotify_CreateClone 1
#define EWNotify_DestroyClone 2
#define EWNotify_FileAutosaved 3
#define EWNotify_FontChanged 4
#define EWNotify_PosChanged 5
#define EWNotify_ActWinChanged 6
#define EWNotify_CharEntry 7
#define EWNotify_CharExit 8
/* Possible assignment modes when using EWAddMenuEntry */
#define EWMNU_Program 0
#define EWMNU_Command 1
#define EWMNU_Macro 2
#define EWMNU_Extension 3
/* Global Flags constants */
#define EWGlbShow 1 /* Show edit window when created */
#define EWGlbShowWild 2 /* Show windows created with wildcards */
#define EWGlbMinCC 3 /* Iconize CC after creating window */
#define EWGlbReShowCC 4 /* Reshow CC after edit window creation */
#define EWGlbDispShortCuts 5 /* Display shortcuts in menus */
#define EWGlbReplaceSel 6 /* Typing replace Selection */
#define EWGlbAddOnLast 7 /* Insert with on last line */
#define EWGlbFormatFrom 8 /* Format from current line only */
#define EWGlbExpansion 9 /* Syntax Expansion enabled */
#define EWGlbAutoMacros 10 /* Auto Macros enabled */
#define EWGlbEnterClassic 11 /* Split line with Enter */
#define EWGlbInsert 12 /* Insert on by default */
#define EWGlbAutoScroll 13 /* Use autoscroll mode */
#define EWGlbAlarm 14 /* Beep on error */
#define EWGlbLog 15 /* Maintain session logging */
#define EWGlbBak 16 /* Create .BAK flags */
#define EWGlbWarning 17 /* Warning before file overwrite */
#define EWGlbLoadList 18 /* @xxxx.xxx files are lists */
#define EWGlbAutosaveOpt 19 /* Autosave options */
#define EWGlbAutosave 20 /* Autosave files */
#define EWGlbDeleteOut 21 /* Suppress .ERR file */
#define EWGlbGrepRegular 22 /* Grep uses Boolean Search */
#define EWGlbGrepAnsi 23 /* Grep uses Ansi charset */
#define EWGlbGrepCase 24 /* Grep makes a case sensitive search */
#define EWGlbGrepSubDir 25 /* Grep searches in subdirectories */
#define EWGlbJump 26 /* Jump on Home/End */
#define EWGlbHasScrollbars 27 /* Edit Windows have Scrollbars */
#define EWGlbHasRibbon 28 /* Edit Windows have a Ribbon */
#define EWGlbRepaint 29 /* Scroll method */
#define EWGlbStripJoin 30 /* Strip Spaces when joining lines */
/* Local Flags constants */
#define EWLclbBlank 1 /* Strip trailing blanks */
#define EWLclbAutoBack 2 /* Backspace behaviour */
#define EWLclbAutoTab 4 /* Autotab flag */
#define EWLclbAutoInsert 5 /* AutoInsert braces */
#define EWLclbAutoComp 6 /* AutoCompress tabs */
#define EWLclbWordWrap 7 /* Wordwrap */
#define EWLclbJustify 8 /* Right justification */
#define EWLclbLoadAscii 9 /* Loaded file supposed to be Ascii file */
#define EWLclbSaveAscii 10 /* Save file in Ascii format */
#define EWLclbEOF 11 /* Add a Ctrl Z at the end of the file */
#define EWLclbAutoIndent 12 /* Auto Indentation */
/* Search Flags constants */
#define EWSearchbBackward 1 /* Backward search */
#define EWSearchbBlock 2 /* Search within marked block only */
#define EWSearchbCase 3 /* Case sensitive search */
#define EWSearchbKeepCase 4 /* Keep case type when replacing string */
#define EWSearchbGlobal 5 /* Global Search */
#define EWSearchbGothru 6 /* Replace without prompting */
#define EWSearchbRegular 7 /* Boolean search flag */
#define EWSearchbWord 8 /* Word-only search */
#define EWSearchbAcross 9 /* Search across edited files */
/* Compile command codes */
#define EWCompileCommand 0
#define EWMakeCommand 1
#define EWBuildCommand 2
#define EWDebugCommand 3
#define EWExecuteCommand 4
/* Macro string codes */
#define EWMacro_Time 0
#define EWMacro_Date 1
#define EWMacro_FileName 2
/* Position codes */
#define EWPosition_Top 0
#define EWPosition_Middle 1
#define EWPosition_Bottom 2
/* Selection modes */
#define EWSelection_None 0
#define EWSelection_Line 1
#define EWSelection_Stream 2
#define EWSelection_Block 3
/* Write modes for EWWriteBlock */
#define EWWrite_ReWrite 1
#define EWWrite_Append 2
typedef struct tagTSelStruct
unsigned int SelType;
int FirstSelLine;
int LastSelLine;
int FirstSelCol;
int LastSelCol;
int StartSelIndex;
int EndSelIndex;
} TSelStruct;
typedef TSelStruct FAR* PSelStruct;
typedef void (FAR PASCAL* TEnumEditorsProc)(long EditorId, char FAR* Name);
typedef void (FAR PASCAL* TEnumClonesProc)(HANDLE CloneHandle, BYTE CloneId);
typedef int (FAR PASCAL* TFuncEntryHook)(unsigned int command);
typedef int (FAR PASCAL* TFuncExitHook)(unsigned int command, int FAR* pRetcode);
typedef int (FAR PASCAL* TKbdEntryHook)(MSG MSg);
typedef int (FAR PASCAL* TPaintEntryHook)(HDC DC,
PSelStruct SelInfo,
HANDLE hWindow);
typedef int (FAR PASCAL* TLoadExitHook)(long EditorId);
typedef int (FAR PASCAL* TNotifyHook)(unsigned int code, unsigned int wParam, long lParam);
typedef int (FAR PASCAL* TExecFunc)(unsigned int MenuId);
/* Editing functions */
int FAR PASCAL EWAddTab(int col, unsigned int fAdd);
int FAR PASCAL EWAlternateHelp(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWBeginLine(unsigned int fSkipToPrev);
int FAR PASCAL EWBlockShift(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWBlockSort(unsigned int fAscend);
int FAR PASCAL EWCase(unsigned int fUpper);
int FAR PASCAL EWCheckBrace(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWClearLine(int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWExecCompileCommand(unsigned int commandindex);
int FAR PASCAL EWDeleteChar(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWDeleteCurLine(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWDeleteEOL(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWDeleteLeft(unsigned int fDeleteCurrent);
int FAR PASCAL EWDeleteLines(int start, int num);
int FAR PASCAL EWDeleteSelection(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWDeleteWord(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWEndLine(unsigned int fSkipToNext, unsigned int fStrip);
int FAR PASCAL EWFillBlock(unsigned char ch);
int FAR PASCAL EWGetFile(char FAR* Name, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoBookmark(unsigned int index);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoNextParagraph(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoNextTab(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoPrevTab(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoPrevParagraph(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoCompileError(unsigned int fNext);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoLine(int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoXY(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWGotoSelection(unsigned int fBegin);
int FAR PASCAL EWInsertBrace(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWInsertLines(int start, int num);
int FAR PASCAL EWInsertMacroText(int col, int row, unsigned int macrotype);
int FAR PASCAL EWJoinLine(int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWLoadUserFile(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWNextCol(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWNextLine(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWNextWord(unsigned int fNext);
int FAR PASCAL EWTopOfPage(unsigned int fTop);
int FAR PASCAL EWHorzPageScroll(unsigned int fLeft);
int FAR PASCAL EWVerPageScroll(unsigned int fUp);
int FAR PASCAL EWPrevCol(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWPrevLine(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWPaste(unsigned int fInsert);
int FAR PASCAL EWReflow(int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWRefresh(unsigned int bAsk);
int FAR PASCAL EWRemoveBookmark(unsigned int index);
int FAR PASCAL EWSaveFile(char FAR* Name);
int FAR PASCAL EWSelectAll(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWSetBookmark(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWSetClipboard(unsigned int fAppend);
int FAR PASCAL EWPositionCurLine(unsigned int position);
int FAR PASCAL EWShiftTextRight(int col, int row, int count);
int FAR PASCAL EWSplitLine(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWStepScroll(int dX, int dY);
int FAR PASCAL EWSumBlock(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWStripFlow(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWTopOfText(unsigned int fTop);
int FAR PASCAL EWTextToCurSor(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWToggleInsert(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWUpcaseFirst(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWWriteBlock(int startrow,
int endrow,
int startcol,
int endcol,
char FAR* Name,
unsigned int mode,
unsigned int fBlock,
unsigned int fCompress);
/* Service functions */
long FAR PASCAL EWAddMenuEntry(char FAR* Command,
char FAR* Title,
unsigned int CommandId,
unsigned int AssignMode,
unsigned int RoutineId);
int FAR PASCAL EWBeginSelection(unsigned int SelType, int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWCallUserExt(char FAR* Name);
long FAR PASCAL EWEditFile(char FAR* Name);
int FAR PASCAL EWEndSelection(void);
void FAR PASCAL EWEnumClones(long EditorId, TEnumClonesProc CloneEnumProc);
void FAR PASCAL EWEnumEditors(TEnumEditorsProc EdEnumProc);
long FAR PASCAL EWFind(unsigned int FAR* MatchLen);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWFindRegular(char FAR* src,
char FAR* dest,
unsigned int FAR* MatchLen);
long FAR PASCAL EWGetCaretPos(void);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWGetCloneNum(void);
long FAR PASCAL EWGetCurWord(void);
long FAR PASCAL EWGetCurrentEditor(void);
char FAR* FAR PASCAL EWGetFileName(long EditorId);
int FAR PASCAL EWGetGlobalFlag(unsigned int FlagId);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWGetInsertState(void);
char FAR* FAR PASCAL EWGetLineAt(int index);
int FAR PASCAL EWGetLineCount(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWGetLocalFlag(unsigned int FlagId);
int FAR PASCAL EWGetSearchFlag(unsigned int FlagId);
void FAR PASCAL EWGetSelection(PSelStruct Selection);
long FAR PASCAL EWGetTextPos(void);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWGetVersion(void);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWGetWindowHandle(void);
void FAR PASCAL EWRemoveHook(unsigned int hFlag, void FAR* HookAddress);
int FAR PASCAL EWRemoveMenuEntry(long Id);
long FAR PASCAL EWRepeatFind(unsigned int FAR* MatchLen);
long FAR PASCAL EWSetCurrentEditor(long EditorId);
void FAR PASCAL EWSetFindPattern(char FAR* pattern);
int FAR PASCAL EWSetGlobalFlag(unsigned int FlagId, unsigned int value);
void FAR PASCAL EWSetHook(unsigned int hFlag, void FAR* HookAddress);
int FAR PASCAL EWSetLineAt(char FAR* P, int index);
int FAR PASCAL EWSetLocalFlag(unsigned int FlagId, unsigned int value);
void FAR PASCAL EWSetModified(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWSetSearchFlag(unsigned int FlagId, unsigned int value);
int FAR PASCAL EWStopSelection(int col, int row);
int FAR PASCAL EWUpdateSelection(int col, int row);
void FAR PASCAL EWWriteMessage(char FAR* message);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWGetTextWindowHandle(void);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWGetInstance(void);
unsigned int FAR PASCAL EWIsModified(void);
int FAR PASCAL EWGetEditorLocalFlag(unsigned int FlagId);
int FAR PASCAL EWSetEditorLocalFlag(unsigned int FlagId, unsigned int value);
int FAR PASCAL EWSaveAll();
/* Please see Technical Note #008 before using these functions */
void FAR PASCAL EWSetEditor(long EditorId);
void FAR PASCAL EWSetWindowHandle(unsigned int H);
#endif /* _INC_EWAPI */